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Mökki, as its traditional meaning, signifies a summer cottage. Mökki is a place where families, groups and communities gather together to share time. 5G mökki gathers and connects people as well but in a wider meaning with value-adding purposes. 


5G Mökki is a product and service developed by the winning team of 5G themed hackathon and summer course, 5G Hack the Mall 2019, organized by Start North. 


5G Mökki is a wooden, multifunctional, learning hub powered by 5G and cutting-edge technologies and designed for indoor use. 5G Mökki service connects people worldwide and offers easy to continuously updated knowledge.

Please contact us via email or contact form to have more information about 5G Mökki service and its benefits or ask for an offer of 5G Mökki service customized for your needs and purposes. 


During autumn 2019, as an outcome of the 5G Hack the Mall: hackathon and summer course, the 5G Mökki was launched and introduced to the crowd for the first time. Equipped with cutting-edge technology such as 5G/VR/AR/XR, 5G Mökki immediately aroused interest and publicity. 


In spring 2020, The Covid-19 pandemic forced us to develop the 5G Mökki concept even further. When the world needed new manners for remote interaction, we responded by launching a new way of learning and interaction: 5G Mökki virtual reality platform. 


But 5G Mökki isn't only a learning hub. Namely, it can easily be modified to a live stream studio. For instance, all the 5G Hack the Mall 2020 summer course's lectures were live-streamed from 5G Mökki studio. 


In 2021, educational institutes such as top universities and universities of applied sciences and market-leading companies have increasingly shown interested in 5G Mökki. Since then, 5G Mökki has started its global expansion. 5G Mökki network currently grows faster than ever before.  


If you are interested to read more about 5G Mökki and Start North's journey, click the link down below.

"5G Hack the Mall -kesäkoulu ja sen rinnakkaistapahtuma Backed by 5G toivat yhteen tuhansia 5G-teknologiasta ja sen soveltamisesta kiinnostuneita ihmisiä"

Atte Leskinen, 22.6.2021


"Suomalaiset rakentavat 5g-mökkejä Afrikassa – Peter Vesterbacka mukana projektissa"

Sofia Virtanen, 25.7.2020


"Laura Juvosen kolumni: Tekniikan alalle tarvitaan Suomessa 100 000 uutta osaajaa"

Laura Juvonen, 27.4.2021

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